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April 20 - 23, 2024
Overnight Retreat
Ages 13 - 19
NorthernShire, Underhill VT


Cost $650

Scholarships Available


Check out Adventure Game Theater

July 4-13, 2024!


ReTribe’s first ever Adventure Game Theater Spring retreat.

Connect with other playful thespians as you take your role play experience to the next level.  Spend four days together, using Improvisational Theater and Psychodrama techniques to enhance your larping skills and explore your inner cosmos.


This retreat will be a unique experience unlike any ReTribe retreat yet. Get a taste of the deep emotional connection of some of our retreats while also joining in the role play and theater exploration of Adventure Game without the element of battle. Enjoy some of the ReTribe classics like cuddle piles, ceremonies, music, and play, with a taste of some fresh workshops culminating in a tavern scene held this year in a Galaxy far far away...


Whether you are an Adventure Game Theater enthusiast, someone interested in trying out role play for the first time or someone who is new to ReTribe, we welcome you all! Please see important announcement below.


Begin Transmission...


This is an Inter-Galactic Announcement. The 50th anniversary memorial of Yoda's death will be held at the newly expanded Mos Eisley Cantina located in the pirate city of Mos Eisley on the planet of Tatooine. You are invited to attend and to experience our new improvements and to enjoy the food, music and all that the Cantina has to offer.


We are eager to host our local regulars but are also prepared for those traveling by Starship from other planets or galaxies. No one will be turned away at the door. Exceptions have even been made for droids on this particular night.

With intergalactic travel now available, the sky is no longer the limit.


End Transmission...

All participants will be given parameters upon registration to create a character before the start of the retreat.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

William Shakespeare.

Cosmic Play
An Adventure Game Theater Spring Retreat

Teens and mentors play a game throwing lots of soft balls high up in the air



  • Group sharing using psychodrama techniques to allow theater to help us process our own stories

  • Time to develop our role play characters and relationships

  • Improvisational Theater: intro and advanced workshops

  • Ninja the flag

  • Ceremony and music

  • Optional workshops involving outdoor play, music, crafts and more.

  • Time to relax and connect with old friends and new

  • Meditation and sit spot time

  • A role play tavern scene in a Galaxy far far away!

To me ReTribe is community, love, and support that I never thought I could have; that I never thought was possible.

Teens gather close to pose for a photo
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