Strong Youth Foundation
"ReTribe has started a slow chip away at my anti-social shell of pain and fear closing me off from having and meeting amazing people. I feel like me again."
The Strong Youth Foundation (SYF) is a 501c3 managed by a Board of Directors. SYF works to provide funding for low-income youth and schools to take advantage of the programming provided by ReTribe and Social Harmony.
"I’ve changed. I’ve learned things about myself and have been provided with guidance that I will use. I’ve learned I’m not responsible for meeting the expectations of others.
I’ve learned to deal with fear better. What helped me was the openness,
the love and the healing. "

Compassionate Human Culture
ReTribe supports youth and adults to become powerful, self-realized individuals who, together, will foster a “New Culture” built on radical acceptance and connection to self, others, and the earth.
ReTribe brings together staff with expertise in the four areas of play, psychological healing, nature education, and meditation and other spiritual practices, to create programming for all ages. Our values permeate our programming, both in what we teach and in how we act - sustainability,
compassion and acceptance, and the
joyful use of play and humor.
Why Your Support Matters
With a total contribution of $30,000, individual donors and grants made it possible for ReTribe to provide access to Forest School and retreat programming through scholarships for 57 participants in 2023.
By Check or Online
ReTribe's nonprotift fiscal sponsor, The Strong Youth Foundation, offers donors the option of making tax-deductible donations.
For tax-deductible donations by check:
Make checks out to The Strong Youth Foundation with memo"ReTribe," mail to:
Strong Youth Foundation
20 Maple Leaf Road
Underhill VT 05489
For tax-deductible online donations:
Visit the Strong Youth Foundation website and put "ReTribe" in the description.
Feel free to contact us about making a personal or business donation towards our Scholarship Fund. Thank you for your generosity!
"I’ve been going to ReTribe for seven years, and they have been some of my happiest memories.
It creates a culture that I can’t find anywhere else. I’ve learned to make a fire,
walk stealthily, carve, and to respect knives and other tools."
In-Kind Donors
We have also received several wonderful in-kind donations to our teen retreats from many Vermont farms and businesses. These donations allow us to provide the best quality food while still keeping the retreats at a more affordable price for many families. It means so much to us to have the support of businesses in our community. Please contact us if your business is interested in partnering with ReTribe in this way. Here are local businesses that we receive support from:
Red Hen Baking Co. - Middlesex
Champlain Orchards - Shoreham
Bonaspecta: Hunt Family Farm - Addison