Nonviolent Communication

NVC (Nonviolent Communication)
& Other Relationship Skills
Practice Group
Led by Jane Martin, LPC
Ages 14+
1st Monday of the month, starting Nov 4, 2024 to May 5, 2025
NorthernShire, Underhill VT
Do you sometimes feel torn between the impossible choices of stuffing your anger and ignoring your own needs, or speaking up for yourself and facing the anger of someone else? Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a four-step process to help you express and honor your own needs in a way that holds the least probability of triggering the other person.
This way of speaking also informs our way of thinking - moving us from focusing on ideas about who is right or wrong, or good or bad, and instead, focusing on what needs people are trying to meet, and how we can work together to find strategies that meet everyone's needs.
For parenting, this way of speaking makes sure to protect the child's self-esteem, while still giving them the behavioral correction they need to grow well in our society.
When turned inward; when our self-talk can become more compassionate, we experience more non-judgment, self-acceptance, confidence, and the ability to love others.
This is not a therapy group, but instead an educational group, learning NVC and other relationship skills. Folks will bring real situations that were difficult for them, and together we can apply our new skills (theoretically, of course).
So that we don't have to backtrack every week, we ask that all participants watch the YouTube video The Basics of Nonviolent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg before attending a practice session with us. Please watch at least the first 20 minutes (without guitar playing is fine) to learn the four steps of NVC.
There is no charge for this group; however, we ask that you register so we make sure the group size isn't too large. (Oops, isn't larger than we would like.)
We will explore:
The polarity of self and other
Feelings and their messages
The elements of TRUST
6 agreements for a healthy relationship
Invitations, requests, demands and orders
Saying no in NVC
Giving appreciation in NVC
How to move out of judgment to discernment
Using Anger wisely
Giving empathy
As well as develop our NVC skills